Sunday, March 6, 2011

Trailer Move and Adventure

Alright folks. Here's the deal. We wanted to move off-the-grid so we bought a 1977 Taurus Travel Trailer and put it on a piece of land Matt's relatives own. The trailer is eighteen feet long but it feels smaller when you're inside it. We currently live in the trailer and our only accommodation is propane thus far. Our first night in the trailer was a wreck. We didn't have working propane to start out, so we couldn't cook dinner or heat the trailer. (Heating the trailer isn't a priority for us. However, it was FREEZING that first night). As for light to see in the pitch black night, we only had a flashlight and six small-sized candles.

The second night was even more uncomfortable and here's why. We tried for a second time to get the propane working on the trailer and could not light the pilot still. Feeling defeated, we decided to call it a night when all of a sudden Kareena smelled skunk. Matt called the dogs to get them back inside the trailer before they got sprayed, but it was too late.... As soon as Misha walked in, the smell in the trailer was overbearing and we found it hard to breathe. We started coughing and yelling at the dogs to get out of the trailer. We spent the next hour figuring out what we were going to do because the dogs would be sleeping in the trailer with us. Then we decided Matt would go to the store while Kareena stayed with the dogs so they didn't run off. (We weren't going to put them back in the trailer without being cleaned). Without running water in the trailer, Matt bought two gallons of water and a ton of tomato sauce. We later found out the most effective tomato wash is with the tomato juice... Needless to say, we cleaned both dogs just in case and neither of them were happy to be scrubbed with tomato sauce and rinsed with the water. It was another cold night, so it was highly uncomfortable for everybody. We went to bed even more defeated than when we found out the pilot wouldn't start. We slept with our heads under our five covers to avoid the chemical smell of Misha. Fantastic.

The next morning, Matt and I needed to work full-time in Davis, a city 30 miles from the land, so we needed to find a way to bathe. Matt already had a membership to a gym, thanks to his parents, from the results of a wonderful birthday and Christmas present. Kareena had no means to a shower. She bought a gym membership that day but was too shy to shower without a bathing suit on in the communal shower area. So, realizing her hands were really only what smelled of skunk, she went to work without a shower and her hair pulled back.

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