Monday, May 24, 2010

estes park

The family reunion was pretty fun. We sang and played the guitar. We played pool, went into the downtown area and walked around, took a fishing boat out on the lake, played in the snow, played cards, sat in the hot tubs, and drove around Rocky Mountain National Park. Kareena and I did an 8 mile run and a few shorter runs during the week.

Animals seen:

Elk - a lot in town and 4 up in the mountains
Big horned sheep - a small herd along the road on the last morning run
Fox - one came up to the deck looking for food, almost came in the house
Turkey - three spotted during a run
Antelope - spotted along the drive
Wyoming ground squirrel (I think) - a lot of them along the roads in the park
Lots of birds

Mountains Climbed:
Flattop Mountain - 12,324 ft. which is next to...
Hallet Peak - 12,713 ft. about 10.5 miles round trip from Bear Lake Trailhead
Almost to the top of Deer Mountain - 10,013 about 6 miles round trip 1700 feet of elevation gain.

We also celebrated Andrew's birthday and Virginia's graduation from Harvard. The closing ceremonies of the reunion were particularly fun: lots of singing with guitar accompaniment, speeches, and card playing.

The next reunion is planned for the redwood forest before 2020.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

24 mile run

Kareena and I did a 24 mile run. It was good for the most part. Kareena hit a little wall 22 miles into the run. I was having problems too. But I went into a restaurant and washed my face and forearms to cool off, which worked. I also had some ice water which I think ended up being a problem because I puked a few minutes into the cool-down. The puke was mostly water and pecan pieces but kind of a spray-projectile vomit. I made it to a trash can just outside the mall that contained cigarette remains. Apparently someone was right behind me when I started my first vomiting fit and a lady was throwing something in the trash can about a second before I started my second vomiting session. Kareena poured water on my head which helped immensely and went off to buy a Gatorade. She couldn't get change from random people, so we got a Jamba Juice and walked home. When I got there, I weighed 150lbs which is 10-15 less than normal.

Kareena saved my ship! Pouring water on my head, trying to find Gatorade, getting Jamba Juice, making lunch, getting me water, making sure I'm not dead, all after she had run just as far as I did. I would say she did an awesome job today and deserves a gold star or a milkshake or something nice!

Overall the run was nice. We talked, saw some cool views of Tucson, A-Mountain, and the rest of the mountains around Tucson, had a few great snack-times, saw a road runner (good luck I'm told!) and I had projectile vomit...not too bad.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Tucson - week 1

Since we have been in Tucson:

I have eaten about 20 grapefruit
Made about 2 gallons of paint
Scheduled 8 dentist appointments (4 for me, 4 for Kareena)
Attended 4 dentist appointments (2 for each of us)
Grown a sparse beard
Canned 3 pints of lemon juice
Been to Albertsons about 20 times
Had dinner with Connie and Steve
Had dinner with Jessica, John, Geneen, Kareena, and Autumn at Geneen's place
Bottled about 7 gallons of beer

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Easley to Tucson

Yesterday Kareena and I drove from (about) Mineral Wells, TX to Tucson, AZ. We started at 4:30 am from a rest stop where we slept and got into Tucson at about 17.5 hours later. A record for both us (most time driven). The day before we started in Tuscaloosa, AL. Kareena drove the truck with the trailer. West Texas was pretty but I wouldn't want to live there. It didn't look like a very interesting place judging by the lack of radio stations. I think it was exceptionally green because 2 years ago it looked quite barren. The drive overall was fun. I am definitely tired of Subway, we ate there at pretty every meal. We also ate a place in Deming, NM. My food was good. Kareena had a rib sandwich which was awful; sloppy-saucy and meat that was burnt on the outside and mushy on the inside.

Favorite city along the way: Merkel, TX
Miles the 1st day: 340
Miles run and number of laps around the lake near Sarah and Tim's: 22
Miles the 2nd day: 750
Miles the 3rd day: 875
Dog fights in the car: 2
Incedents with the car, truck, or trailer: 0

Friday, April 23, 2010


I had a goodbye lunch at Thai Restaurant yesterday. Everyone from my office signed a card. I gave a little speech about how nice and giving everyone has been. I had Panang Curry. Jerry had a spiciness level of 10 (out of 10) on his lunch! Off to Denver today. Katie's wedding is tomorrow. Eight miles on Sunday.