Monday, May 24, 2010

estes park

The family reunion was pretty fun. We sang and played the guitar. We played pool, went into the downtown area and walked around, took a fishing boat out on the lake, played in the snow, played cards, sat in the hot tubs, and drove around Rocky Mountain National Park. Kareena and I did an 8 mile run and a few shorter runs during the week.

Animals seen:

Elk - a lot in town and 4 up in the mountains
Big horned sheep - a small herd along the road on the last morning run
Fox - one came up to the deck looking for food, almost came in the house
Turkey - three spotted during a run
Antelope - spotted along the drive
Wyoming ground squirrel (I think) - a lot of them along the roads in the park
Lots of birds

Mountains Climbed:
Flattop Mountain - 12,324 ft. which is next to...
Hallet Peak - 12,713 ft. about 10.5 miles round trip from Bear Lake Trailhead
Almost to the top of Deer Mountain - 10,013 about 6 miles round trip 1700 feet of elevation gain.

We also celebrated Andrew's birthday and Virginia's graduation from Harvard. The closing ceremonies of the reunion were particularly fun: lots of singing with guitar accompaniment, speeches, and card playing.

The next reunion is planned for the redwood forest before 2020.

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