Sunday, May 19, 2013

Just another post. Just another day.

We've been visiting with family for the last few days and have enjoyed our time. Saturday, we headed for Sikeston, MO to fix up a house that my dad and cousin own. It is a property that they went in on together as an investment and they could use the help getting it in condition to either sell or rent out. We'll only be here tidying up for a few days and then we plan on hitting the road again towards the west. Matt mentioned recently that he's itching to get back to California so we can get started experimenting with our own farm plans.

We've had a hard time finding farms on the way back home that have room for extra WWOOFers in the middle of the season. This whole trip has turned out to be very different from what we had originally planned but I dare say we're going with  the flow. ;) We're at least doing things that we value a lot; spending time with family we rarely see; volunteering our time and energy to those who need it; and taking a lot of time to plan for what to do next. One of the hardest parts of it all has been making sure we spend the money we have slowly enough. We're living off of about $500/month at the moment so gas for driving back home and food are all we care to spend our money on. Another hard part is actually having a little too much down time. Funny, right? It's all the more a reminder to search for a nice balance between working too much or hardly working at all.

I think with having a one year-old, we have a lot of down time during all of her naps. We don't have a home or even own very much so there isn't much that needs doing while Kaya sleeps. However, we can read, talk or do other low-key activities in the meantime. I'd really like to be more active which is why working on this house at the moment is pretty nice. Then again, like Matt,  I am itching to head west. I can't really  put my finger on it but I feel like there's still an adventure in the very near future just waiting to pop out at us. We had a lot invested in this trip emotionally. We left the security of both job and home and a multitude of friends and family behind to do this and it doesn't feel quite right yet. I have missed family and friends most (although, I do get to see some family on this trip), yet I could still do without the job and home part of it all. Ok, that's it. Bye for now. =)

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