Friday, April 26, 2013

Off we go!

Left Sacramento yesterday morning at around 8:30am.  Had a snafu renting the vehicle so we got a bit later of a start than we would have liked.  However, we managed to get into Salem, OR by 6:30pm. We were instantly greeted with homemade spaghetti, which my mom had prepared with love. ;) It was a nice comfort food after a long day on the road with an 11 month old kid. Kaya was quite happy most of the way to Salem, but the last three or so hours of our trip dragged on and on and on and on and.... well you get the point.

Since we arrived here, we've been eating well, chillin' with good company, jammin' on guitar, and resting up for tomorrow's plane trip to Fayetteville, AR. Can't wait to see what we're in for once we get there!

Until the next post.... (when things should be a li'l more interesting). Thanks for reading!  

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