Friday, May 11, 2012

Mr. Stork?

I don't think we've blogged about this in the past so allow me to share the news.  We're having a kid!!! We've known for more than enough time.  I'm (Kareena) almost 39 weeks along (not Matt - that'd be weird) so the kid will arrive very soon.  Well, in case you're wondering, this is a planned joy that has already changed our lives forever.

We're currently awaiting Mr. Stork with great anticipation. I look forward to meeting our child at the perfect moment whenever that moment be.  I am writing to share the emotions that I feel should be expressed during a parent's "waiting period."  For me, the waiting period began as soon as we knew we were going to have a kid.  This is the time that is exciting and unknown and filled with memories that last a lifetime.

I remember the adrenaline rush I had telling Matt we were expecting and his reaction to the news.  It's somewhat comical that even though couples plan to have children, the minute they find out it's real, it still seems unbelievable and surprising.  It took a long time to adjust to the knowledge of our inevitable change even though we certainly knew well in advance that this would be life-changing.

I vividly remember the first time Matt was able to feel the baby move.  I had been able to feel the baby for weeks but had not been able to get Matt to feel the "bumps" at the right moment.  When he was finally able to feel the baby move, I laughed excitedly and nervously.  I was so happy that he got to feel the "proof" of what I had been feeling.  Now, the baby moves all the time and Matt is sure to experience our kid's movements at any given day.  Another memorable moment was when Matt had his hand resting on the baby and it rolled a knee or foot so strongly against his hand that he exclaimed "Jesus! Was that the baby?"  I laughed loudly as I responded "Well, that certainly wasn't me."

The general feeling over these last nine months has been that of pure elation.  We hear a lot of warnings and advice from friends about the trials of parenthood, which is expected, but we like to keep in mind that our upcoming challenges will be viewed as a long string of adventures, guaranteed to push us to the limit as well as create the greatest sense of accomplishment.  We trust that we will be loving, patient, and empathetic parents, learning many lessons along the way.  So bring it on, Mr. Stork!  We're willing and ready!

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